Friday, June 1, 2018

An Urgent Erection tribute to HER VICTORY

I love these posts in relation to a ten-pin bowling championship final. I totally relate to the excitement of these male viewers, and just reading their comments strikes my male submissive streak mercilessly!  

STM writes: 

Wow! History was made yesterday when bowler Kelly Kullick became the first woman to win a PBA championship when defeated Chris Brown to win the Tournament of Champions. Man, it was erotic watching it. Fantastic. We are so lucky to live in an age when we can witness the most glorious sight imaginable: a woman defeating a man! Was I having fun. I mean hard as rock! Thank you Kelly. And what about Chris Barnes? I hope he was enjoying it more than anyone. I know I would have loved to have been in his shoes. Imagine being beaten by a woman on national television. Absolute heaven. If I were him I would have had a massive erection the whole time, and then I would have gone home and watched the tape and just exploded in erotic ecstasy. Hope Kelly can win some more. This is too good.

Trivial writes: 

STM....that was an amazing contest between a man and a woman. I tuned in to watch throughout the week, but became more interested when I saw what was going on. Kelly was destroying the men on her way to the championship match. These were the best of the best, everyone wanted to win badly, and nobody wanted to lose to the girl. The men she beat were really frustrated, but what could they do? Nothing! Except realize this pretty girl just defeated them. Can you imagine trying to explain that to your friends and family? Then, the Final. Chris vs Kelly. Man vs Woman. Major, major Battle of the Sexes. 

I have watched Chris bowl many times, and he is outstanding. He is fiercely competitive, and wants to demolish EVERY opponent. And he does. He bowls his best under pressure and has the money to show for it. And no question, he did not want this girl to beat him. He has tremendous pride, including the famous 'male pride.' I fully expected him to win. And I am sure he did too. But...Kelly had different plans. She planned to win. With Girl Power. 

It was even at first, and I thought Chris would jump out to a lead and keep it. But what happened was, like I said... amazing. Kelly began rolling strike after strike. Her lead grew. And the look on her! Best described as...?I am going to DEMOLISH HIM? And she did, with strike after strike. And Chris? When the match started, he looked confident and dominant. But as she rolled strike after strike, you could see his male pride deflating. He was being defeated by a girl. A pretty girl. The biggest bowling event. On National television. And there was NOTHING he could do. 

Then, she sealed the win. With a strike of course. Kelly pumped her arms in the air. Chris slumped, the look of complete defeat written all over him. No male pride here, the woman had totally beaten it out of him. Now, I can honestly say, I have never gotten aroused over bowling, I mean, who does? But this was completely different. As I watched her roll strike after strike, and her lead grew, so did something else. Me. I got a hard-on like never before. I was very intensely aroused at this spectacle. When my wife came in and asked who was winning, I could not answer, I was so aroused. And so were the male announcers, according to my wife. She said they sounded orgasmic that the woman defeated the man. 

And then Kelly did something that caused me to get even more aroused, if that was possible. She held her trophy in the air, pointed to the audience, and said...'GIRL POWER!!' My wife was all smiles and cheering loudly. The women in the audience screamed for her victory. Chris was slumped in his chair, an utterly defeated male. Kelly raised her arms in victory, a victorious female. And I was so aroused, so hard, it was like I was in a different place. My wife said I had a look on my face she had never seen before. So to the guy who started this poll, the answer is a definite yes. This event was not made up, not contrived or slanted one way or the other. It was a REAL Battle of the Sexes. And the woman beat the man. Just a wonderful thing to watch. Believe me, the next time she bowls against a man, knowing what I felt that day, I will be cheering loudly for her too. GIRL POWER!!!!!

Source: "Is The Female Superiority Debate Related to Sexual Arousal in Males?",

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