Saturday, June 2, 2018

An excerpt from femdom fight literature

Sometimes, just a piece of writing hits your submissive spot so mercilessly you have no choice but to relieve your urgently throbbing cock. These lines from the Hardie story, CHORES FOR THE BOYS, do it for me every time.

“He gazed up, through his tears at the slender but shapely body of the girl who'd smashed him to defeat. He felt a surge of fear and excitement he'd never experienced before. Here he was, a powerful young male lying in tears at the feet of a young girl, three years his junior. And the sight of her standing proudly over him, tanned legs wide apart, hands on hips, twanged his libido and raised his cock in tribute to her victory.” 

No matter how threatened our socialised male pride is by these depictions on female victory and male submission, our cocks will always rise in tribute to these victories!


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